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home > website help > website help services > website maintenance & support packages

Website Maintenance & Support Packages

Starting at $400, we can help upgrade and improve your website.

In a hurry? Contact us now to discuss.

Our maintenance and support packages covers both simple and complex requests. Each support plan is tailored to fit your budget and is structured in one of two ways:

  1. Fixed Bid: You explain your ideas and requirements to us. We estimate and then perform the work within your requested time period.


  2. Time & Materials: You provide an ongoing list of needed tasks and define your monthly budget. We perform the work on a constant basis, adhering to your monthly budget.

If you:

  1. Have a list of changes and/or improvements in mind;
  2. Suspect your website is struggling, but don't know why;
  3. Want to explore possible improvement opportunities ...


Contact us now or call Rick Costello's direct line at 1 (630) 788-9969 to further discuss.

Sample support items used to help
improve other customer websites:

Whatever you need, we can tailor a plan to fit within your timeframe and budget. Contact us now or call Rick Costello's direct line at 1 (630) 788-9969 to further discuss.





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